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--- ## Neurotransmitter Synthesis This repository contains scripts to simulate the synthesis of neurotransmitters from amino acids using RDKit. It includes the biochemical pathways for creating neurotransmitters such as serotonin from tryptophan. ### Features - Simulate the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. - Generate and save molecular structure images at each step. - Easily extendable to other neurotransmitter synthesis pathways. ### Setup and Usage 1. Clone the repository:    ```sh    git clone /NeurotransmitterSynthesis.git    cd NeurotransmitterSynthesis    ``` 2. Install the required packages:    ```sh    pip install -r requirements.txt    ``` 3. Run the script to simulate serotonin synthesis:    ```sh    python    ``` ### Requirements - RDKit - Pillow The script generates images of the molecules at each step and saves the...

Coronavirus: Is this was a plan of China

Friends, 4 to 5 lakhs people die every year in India from tuberculosis, around 2 lakhs people die due to malaria, and around 45 thousand people die due to hepatitis(a type of virus) And 20 people have died from coronavirus only 20 people in India.

Why all this ruckus?

Why so much fear?

Why did our entire country stop?

I will not answer all these questions, I will give you some clue. So that you will understand by yourself.

It all started with China. Friends, this China hides itself from the world even it does not use Google and Facebook in the country China always hides its personal affairs.

Today people in the world are using Google Chrome for search, but in China, China uses its own browser.Surprisingly, where 1.75 billion people in the world use WhatsApp, China has its own WeChat.

China made to compete, not only that, people are using it all over the world, it is the same alibaba.Which is distributing masks all over the world.

China did not allow Gmail to enter its country. QQ Dot com is still being used to send mails and files there.Where people in the world use Facebook to connect with people, China is still using its RenRen.

Even today, the Weibo is being used there instead of Twitter. People in the world use YouTube to watch online videos. China has launched its own version of YouTube called Youku.

Let us tell you that China is the one to launch the phones of Oppo and Vivo, whereas the phones of India have never been launched in China.

This country keeps itself completely hidden from the world so that no one can know what is happening in China. A country that is completely secret has shown the whole world in the month of January, completely showcase about the Coronavirus.But why did it mean to showcase all this, especially a country that does not allow any of its own affairs to come out. And friends, when you see it's general and newspaper, it is in Chinese So, that its technology and recharge not spread in the outside media.

And this same country shows each of it's each videos in HD to the whole world that look How much coronavirus havoc in our China's Wuhan city.

This was the first thing, Now you must have suddenly heard the second thing that Coronavirus havoc from China has completely ended.So how did it ended Now there is zero coronavirus patient, now people are recovering and returning to their work, what has China done.
Tell us also what China has done so that thousands of people are dying in the world to be conserved.

A famous journalist was questioned when Coronavirus was really a Chinese conspiracy. So he told that China first created Coronavirus vaccine and then spread it all over the world. And kept it in their fridge until the entire world's economy was brought down. Friends, let us tell you that China had become the world's investor's hub , China released this virus in the city of wuhan. And bought the shares of Investor, who fled due to tremendous deaths, at a penny price. And foreign investors abandoned their capital and fled.

China took out the vaccine already made and kept in hiding. And prevented deaths in China in a single day. In this war, China lost some of its people but plundered the wealth of the world in this war.
Today there has not been a single death and neither has the number of patients increased.Today, this coronavirus has emerged as a epidemic in the whole world.Surprisingly, the entire country and city where the Chinese citizens used to spend money is broken today.

Today, the whole world is seeing its economy collapsing every day, but from March 17, China's economy is gradually becoming stronger. It is an economic war in which China has been won and people are losing their lives by fighting with nature every day. It is the immunity of the Indian people who fight and win in every wars. We, Indian people, are adept at defeating every disease. We never fight against nature but worship it. But every Indian should keep in mind that China and Chinese are the villains of this nature, keep every distance from them.

America is not wrong who is just blaming China.

Something is fishy.


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