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--- ## Neurotransmitter Synthesis This repository contains scripts to simulate the synthesis of neurotransmitters from amino acids using RDKit. It includes the biochemical pathways for creating neurotransmitters such as serotonin from tryptophan. ### Features - Simulate the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. - Generate and save molecular structure images at each step. - Easily extendable to other neurotransmitter synthesis pathways. ### Setup and Usage 1. Clone the repository:    ```sh    git clone /NeurotransmitterSynthesis.git    cd NeurotransmitterSynthesis    ``` 2. Install the required packages:    ```sh    pip install -r requirements.txt    ``` 3. Run the script to simulate serotonin synthesis:    ```sh    python    ``` ### Requirements - RDKit - Pillow The script generates images of the molecules at each step and saves the...

Corona virus will end with increasing temperature


Covid 19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019.

covid 19 symptoms include cough fever and shortness of breath it is a major problem the world is suffering from. A patient of covid 19 can be severe and in some case caused death.

It is a communicable disease that is it can spread from person to person.

There is no coronavirus vaccine yet prevention involves frequent hand-washing coughing into the bend of your elbow and the most effective staying home when you are sick.

How is covid-19 spread?

covid 19 can be passed from person to person through droplets from cough and sneeze. Covid 19 has been detected in people all over the world and is considered a pandemic.

This is monitored by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), The World Health Organisation and Health Organisation like
Johns Hopkins across the globe.

What is the incubation period for Covid-19?

It appears that symptoms are showing up in people within 14 days of exposure to the virus.

These claims are being made in many places that with the increasing temperature this virus can be eradicated. Many peoples are saying that drink hot water many are saying bath with hot water. What is not being said on social media like take this post only which has been shared by thousands of people in many countries it is claimed that this rain can be destroyed by drinking hot water and staying in the heat of the Sun.

Not to Eat Ice Cream

It is also been advised not to eat ice cream in this claim, not only this it is also being told in a fake way with this message that UNICEF has said all the all things done. This is a completely false message.

How long does the coronavirus remain active outside the body?

The American National Institutes of Health has found in its research that the virus can survive 3-4 hours in the liquid droplets (That is come out on sneezing) This droplet can float in the air for a while if any of the droplets sit on the woods, the virus inside can survive for 24 hours. 2-3 days if it falls on stainless steel. This means someone who has developed a Coronavirus infection and has touched something and you swing the same things then the virus can happen to you too. Keep in your mind that not just touching but going into your body will have its effects. 

How much upcoming Summer affect the virus.

The coronavirus can be destroyed in 60 to 70 degrees celsius this temperature is neither in India nor in anyone's body some virus parish after increasing temperature but the Coronavirus have a different case.

virologist Doctor Paresh Deshpanday says that liquid droplets can dry quickly in the high temperature so Corona infection can be reduced but will be completely over it is difficult to say. So there is no concrete evidence that Coronavirus will be destroyed in summer do not rely on watch temperature. The coronavirus is spread in 100 countries around the world including cold countries like Greenland and hot countries like Dubai even humid cities like Mumbai and dry cities like Delhi. Once this virus has entered the body, the method of killing it has not yet been discovered. Our body has to fight from this.

How can you protect yourself from the Coronavirus?  

Avoid Close Contact 

  1. Stay home as much as possible 
  2. Practice social distancing
  3. Stay at least 6 feet away from others in public places
  4. Call friends and family or visit by video call
  5. Ask your employer it is possible to work from home
  6. Avoid people who appear sick
  7. Go grocery shopping and run errands during off-peak Times
Healthy people do not need to wear a mask unless they are caring from someone diagnosed with, or being monitored for, covid-19,  for respiratory illness.

practice good hygiene wherever you are 

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and truly for at least 20 seconds, especially.
  2. After being in public places and touching door handles, shopping carts, elevators buttons, etc.
  3. After using the bathroom
  4. Before preparing food
  5. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.
  6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth especially with unwashed hands.
  7. If you cough or sneeze do so in the bend of your elbow. If you use a tissue, throw it away immediately.

Take precautions if you are living with or caring for someone who is sick.

  1. Wear a mask if you are caring for someone who has respiratory symptoms.
  2. Clean counters door knobs phones and tablet frequently using disinfectant cleaners or wipes.

If you feel sick, follow these guidelines  

  • Stay home if you feel sick unless you are experiencing a medical emergency such as service shortness of breath for a very high fever
  • Call your doctor or urgent care facilities and explain your symptoms over the phone 
  • If you leave your home to get medical care near marks if you have respiratory symptoms 


  1. All the best! Hope so that it dies and if really it will die due to high temperature, then the world will be able to win this war against the pandemic, as temperature is increasing more and more day by day.


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